




Irving Soto is considered the foremost authority on the art of Atemi jujitsu. The art was passed down to him by his respected teacher Hanshi koshimitsu Yamamoto of Japan.Soke Irving Soto became proficient in the martial arts of Atemi –Jujitsu; and is one of the first American to be granted mastery in Atemi –Jujitsu.

Hanshi Prof. Irving Soto is undisputed world Kumite Champion /10th degree black belt. Irving Soto is a winner of numerous championships And the last person to be taught Atemi Jujitsu Aiki-jujitsu, he has been studying and teaching the martial arts of Atemi jujitsu for the last 54 years; Irving Soto he has traveled all over the world to demonstrating his Techniques and has been teaching the Armed Forces like the U.S.A military.

Irving Soto has been in numerous commercials such as MTV, NBC, Phil Donahue Show Live TV, Inside Edition, New York, Newsday, Barbra Sang live TV network show. Aaron Banks Show of World Oriental Show and Hong Kong Television by Raymond Chow he has appeared in sports TV ESPN Sports Martial Arts Channel and Grandmaster Aaron Bands live martial arts show. Irving Soto is member of the law enforcement community he has taught the special force over sea and the United States and the federal police, New York Sheriffs federal correctional facilities and NYPD tactical defense for US Treasury, DOD police academy and the department in Aberdeen Maryland and military army.

Irving Soto has received accommodations from former Mayor Susan Golding of San Diego, CA former Mayor Dinkins of New York City and Mayor of Hollywood CA Johnny Grant, Brigadier General, US Army Commanding Rodger A Nadeau, US Army Aberdeen Proving Grounds Colonel US Army Deputy Installation Commander John T Wright for his hard work in teaching the US armed force 2002.2003,2004,2005, 2006. Irving Soto still teaching and training.

I was born in Bronx in 1954, 1956 my mother moved to Brooklyn, New York at the age of (2 years old). I started to train in the martial arts of jujitsu. One of my first professors that I trained with he was Japanese man called Tashioshi. Tashiosh taught me in jujitsu; I received my first-degree black belt at the age of 14-year-old; the first time I when to Japan was went Tashioshi took me for a tournament in Japan. I fought the internationals Japanese open at the age of 16 years old. I became the open tournament champion open in Japan. Tashioshi moved away in the early 1970’s, I continued my thirst for martial arts science knowledge of jujitsu.

I continued to further my instructions with a group of masters from the neighborhoods of Brooklyn New York City. In 1973 I was invited by the Japanese association to compete in the open kumite championship in Japan upon winning the championship 1973. I was invited to the humble dojo of koshimitsu Yamamoto and to compete in a open kumite after winning kumite championship. I was asked to be under the guidance of Yamamoto to further my instructions in the advance technique Atemi Aiki-Jujitsu.I continued to further my instruction by traveling back and forth from Japan and USA. In 1990 I receive my 10th degree black belt in Atemi -Aiki jujitsu upon my teacher death I was awarded full sokeship to continue the work. I won the kumite for 8 years and for 8- times from the of 1973,1974,1975,1976,1977,1978,1979,1980 World kumite champion.

I would like to pay my special thanks to some of the masters who took out time teach me the martial arts science of ju -ju-jitsu,

1.Grandmaster- Charlie Sprrow-jujitsu 2.Grandmaster- Rudy Jones-jujitsu 3.Dr. Moses Powell- jujitsu 4.Master Saigon Ellis Evans-ji koshimitsu-jujitsu 5.Master Danny McEddy-Nin jujitsu –kempo. PROF.RODALD DUNCAN;S DUSHIDO SCHOOL OF SELF DEFENSE


USA Warlord Martial Arts Magazine
2.  http://grandmastersoto.webs.com                                ......................                                 My personal website3.  http://grandmasterirvingsoto.webs.com/more.htm       ......................                            My personal website4.  http://worldchampiongrandmastersoto.1colony.com/   .....................                           2009 SOKE GRANDMASTER SOTO 5.  http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=SOKE+SOTO&emb=0&aq=f# ....................         personal website:google6.  http://www.internationalgrandmasterscouncil.com/


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